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Support From the Start

September 28, 2020 | VNA Staff | Story

Shyla graduation VNA parenting support

Shyla is a teen mom. She’s also an honor student, a volleyball player, a powerlifter, a grocery store cashier, a friend, daughter, sister and much more. She gave birth to Dorian, now four years old, when she was a freshman in high school.

Shyla’s school connected her to VNA and the opportunities provided through the Love & Learn program, which includes nurse and parent coach teams. As a part of the program, VNA visited Shyla weekly after Dorian was born. They taught Shyla about newborn care, child safety and how to care for herself. Alongside a lactation consultant, they educated and supported Shyla while she breastfed for six months. They also taught Shyla about Dorian’s developmental milestones and activities to encourage growth.

Shyla’s nurse calls her “a role model for teen parents at her high school.” VNA’s parent coach worked with Shyla on scholarships, and she was recently awarded the Susan T. Buffett Scholarship, a prestigious award that includes a full-ride scholarship to a Nebraska public college. While the journey wasn’t always easy, Shyla’s hard work and dedication, with the support of VNA’s parenting programs, have resulted in a well-adjusted son, a stable home life and a very bright future.


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