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Providing a Compassionate and Dignified Death

October 1, 2020 | VNA Staff | Story

hospice care

Brian was 24 years old, and he was dying of aggressive cancer. He lost access to insurance because he couldn’t work or afford COBRA payments, and he wasn’t ill long enough to qualify for disability or Medicaid. VNA stepped in and used donor funds to provide healthcare, hospice, extensive medications and the equipment he needed. Brian received the level of care and compassion that he could not afford but deserved.

The last few days of his life, his uncle drove to Omaha to stay with him. As he sat at his nephew’s bedside, he cried and hugged VNA hospice staff, mourning a life lost too soon but grateful for the nurses who cared to preserve the dignity and identity of a vulnerable human being.

To help us to continue to provide care to individuals like Brian, consider donating to VNA today.



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