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One Step at a Time, VNA Nurse Finds Positivity in Difficult Times

February 10, 2021 | VNA Staff | Story

woman in stocking hat giving a thumbs up in front of a crowd

I’m a public health nurse, and I work with the Love & Learn Program, a free home visitation program for pregnant and parenting teens and young adults. I miss my clients and babies terribly. I’m an extrovert, so working at home is tough, but I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am so grateful that VNA has allowed us to utilize technology link Synzi for virtual client visits. 

Before joining VNA, I was interviewing for several jobs. I had several interviews and opportunities. I wasn’t sure until I shadowed Kathy Hensley, and I felt so energized about the opportunity of working with vulnerable teen and young adult mothers. I work with tremendous leaders on my team who inspire me every day to be the best and give the best to our clients. I have never felt anything like it, and I don’t think people truly understand until they slip off their shoes and put themselves into the shoes of others. 

The pandemic has not been emotionally easy, so to beat the blues, I signed myself up for my first half marathon. For my own self-care, I needed a goal, and I wasn’t going to let this pandemic get the best of me. I wanted to set a good example for friends, family and my clients, because during challenging times we need to take care of ourselves in order to give the best to others. 

I recently completed my first half marathon on the beautiful Greenbrier Arkansas Woolly Trail. The sign-up fee benefited the Chispa Project-A Library project for the children of La Flecha Honduras. This cause motivated me, too. I had a client who was from Honduras and loved the books that I gave him during home visits. I can still see his face light up during home visits when we discussed reading and all its benefits.

Currently, I would like to work on a short exercise video to share with my clients and toddlers, maybe something that is happy like acting silly and running in place. Exercise can fuel and body in so many healthy ways!

During these times, I encourage people to not forget care, both for themselves and others. Setting one personal goal can be a game-changer to fight the challenges that may come along with isolation, losing loved ones or mental health issues. I will continue to nurture positivity and care to my coworkers and, most of all, my vulnerable clients.


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