VNA | Visiting Nurse Association: Taking Care of You

Delivering Compassionate Care

VNA delivers expert, compassionate care to under-resourced individuals and families in our community.

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Speaker Series: Taking Care of You

September 14, 2017
11:30 am
- 1:00 pm

This event is sold out!

Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) will host the third of its four-part, free Senior Speaker Series at its headquarters at 12565 West Center Road. Following two sold out events, the third workshop of the series is titled “Taking Care of YOU: Suggestions of Self Care during times of Sadness, Loss or Grief” featuring speaker Jayne Gundrum, LMHP of VNA.

Those attending Gundrum’s presentation will be able to:

  • Identify different types of losses
  • Explain the grief journey
  • Identify physical symptoms of grief and suggestions for self-care
  • Identify emotional reactions to loss and suggestions for self-care
  • Identify mental/behavioral reactions to grief and discuss suggestions for self-care

Free lunch is included for all who register.

We’re sorry! This popular event is sold out! Please be sure to register for our November event. Please call if you have any questions (402) 930-4021